Nomination proposal for medieval Jewish cultural heritage in Cologne for Germany’s Tentative List

The former Jewish medieval quarter in Cologne is an exceptional testimony of the cultural tradition of a Jewish community within a medieval city. Passed on by an archaeologically investigated area of around 6,000 m² the spatially closed complex of the Jewish medieval quarter with its retraceable urban structure documents the development of this community, the so-called Kahal Kolonia. In combination with the extensive destruction horizon of the 1349 plague pogrom, these archeological findings and diverse written sources shed light on these approx. 400-years of history. Hence, the site sheds light on the role of the Jewish community as a central element within a medieval city of Cologne during several centuries.

As part of a procedure started by the Ministry for Regional Identity, Communities and Local Government, Building and Gender Equality (MHKBG) of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia, it was suggested to nominate the archaeological site of the Jewish-medieval quarter in Cologne for Germany’s Tentative List. In this context, a Draft Statement of Outstanding Universal Value had to be compiled for the nomination proposal.

Commissioned by:
MiQua LVR Jüdisches Museum im Archäologischen Quartier in Köln LVR

Status / Result:
Completed 2020